ABOUT: This will serve as a place where I can share quick, unrefined updates and any "stream of consciousness" style writing.
I feel bad that I have not kept this website updated, or finished a lot of the "under construction" portions. Frankly, I kind of forgot about the project for a while. Also, sometimes I want to write something, perhaps on my blog or on one of the topic pages, and I run into a wall where I am not sure if what I have to say is worth putting out there. Especially since I want whatever I put on here to be a good, well-polished final product, but then that can balloon a simple idea into a more complex and time-consuming research essay type project. For instance, I was thinking about diving into the theory of the Laplace transform and why I think it is such an amazing tool, but I started to second guess the whole thing since, well, it's been done before. There are books on the theory and applications of integral transforms as well as wonderful videos displaying the Laplace transform (go watch Zach Star's video on the Laplace transform if you are at all interested). Plus, I wonder if I really have the expertise to write a rigorous description of the methods, theory, and application without there being all kinds of holes or technical inaccuracies that I'd need a graduate degree in math to catch.
But the Laplace transform thing isn't really the point. Mainly, I just am not certain if what I have to say is worth putting out there if it is going to be full of holes or "draft quality." In the next month I will begin my training for my job, which entails going to Naval Nuclear Power School, so I am unsure if I will have the time or energy to keep up with the website. On the other hand, I hope the experience will provide me with fresh experiences and motivation to share about what I have been doing in conjunction with work, since I won't be able to talk about the specifics of my job. But I will have time to visit cool places in the new areas I will be living and that may provide for some interesting content. So, if you are reading this until now, thank you!